water-disinfection.de - Water Disinfection for Hospitals

Water Disinfection and Legionella Prevention

for Hospitals

At water temperatures between 25 and 50 degrees Celsius optimal living conditions for Legionella exist. Bacteria of the genus Legionella cause Legionnaires' disease and - in the less severe form - of Pontiac fever. The most common causes for the occurrence of Legionella are:

  • Irregular utilization of the water distribution system (long idle times)
  • Piping systems with dead pipes
  • Poor insulation (cold, hot water separation)
  • Corroded pipework
  • Materials, which allow the formation of biofilms

High growth of Legionella bacteria usually occures in hot water pipes with stagnant water. In addition, deposits in the piping system caused by corrosion or biofilms are ideal breeding ground for Legionella. For further information on legionella problem, see Technology / Legionella.

Legionella Prevention for Hospitals

REDO technology is an eco-friendly friendly, requires low maintenance and is very cost efficient to eliminate Legionella, other bacteria, viruses, germs and fungi from water. Even biofilms can be effectively eliminated from pipework. With REDO Technology a permanent prophylaxis against Legionella can be achieved. This is achieved with the production of dangerous disinfection by-products (THMs) and the use of hazardous chemicals.

Customer Hospital

Several hospitals in Europe and Asia are already successfully deploying the REDO disinfection process as a precautionary measure against the occurrence of Legionella and for purposes of general water disinfection.

Contact Sales: Mr. Torsten Kiesau 0049 (0) 69 716 77 600 or tkiesau@inwasol.com


Clean Water Fund

INWASOL and the Clean Water Fund have developed a special solution for water projects:

Due to a strong partnership with the Clean Water Fund, INWASOL is not only able to provide its customers with an innovative German water disinfection technology, but also with several financing solutions.

We are looking forward to your inquiry. There is a suitable solution for every customer.

