water-disinfection.de - Food & Beverage

Water Disinfection

Food and Beverage Industry

REDO ® food is especially developed for the food and beverage industry. It is also a perfect solution for restaurants:

  • Water and surface disinfection
  • Cost efficiency
  • No potential hazards or safety risks
  • Eco-friendly

REDO ® food is fully compliant with hygiene requirements in the food and beverage industry. Furthermore, the efficiency and environmental compatibility of the REDO process technology needs to be emphasized. The REDO water treatment and disinfection process is also suitable for a "bio"-compliant food production - without the addition of chemical additives.

Getränke- und Lebensmittelindustrie (VERGRÖSSERN DURCH ANKLICKEN)


  • Use of disinfected water in the production process
  • Disinfection of production equipment, work surfaces, dishes and utensils
  • Treatment of the product to reduce the microbial load
  • Cooling circuits

Advantages of REDO ® food

  • Better product quality
  • Longer shelf-life of products
  • Prevent corrosion and lime precipitation in cooling circuits

Sales Contact: Mr. Torsten Kiesau 0049 (0) 69 716 77 600 or tkiesau@inwasol.com


Clean Water Fund

INWASOL and the Clean Water Fund have developed a special solution for water projects:

Due to a strong partnership with the Clean Water Fund, INWASOL is not only able to provide its customers with an innovative German water disinfection technology, but also with several financing solutions.

We are looking forward to your inquiry. There is a suitable solution for every customer.

