water-disinfection.de - Press and News Inwasol


Press & News


News: REDO presents study to yield increases in poultry breeding

At a workshop in Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia REDO Water Systems presented its channel partners and the press results of a study on the use of REDO Technology deployed on a poultry farm. The results of the study show, among other things, that the mortality rate significantly decreased and food conversion significantly increased. This resulted in a significant yield increases for the customer. Attila Galambodi, CEO of REDO Water Systems, gave the following statement: "The realized yield increase exceeded our own expectations, we are convinced of the potential from our water disinfection technology for agricultural enterprises. Our customers can generate additional revenues by using REDO Technology."

News: World Water Day

The World Water Day is held annually on 22 March. Every year the world water day has another main theme. As the Water Decade 2005-2015, the main object of the World Water Day is to emphasise the importance of water for mankind among the general public and politicians. The World Water Day was initiated at World Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. Since 1993  it is held yearly  following a resolution of the UN General Assembly on 22nd December 1992 (A/RES/47/193).

News: By 2030 a third of the world population have only half the water required

In 2030 a third of mankind has only access to only half the water they actually need. Within a generation, the demand for water in many regions will be 40 percent higher than the supply, estimate researchers from the Canadian Water Network. At the same time so called hundred year floods will increase, particularly in areas which are prone to floods today. And these floods will occur every twenty years, rather than every hundred years.
Details at www.cwn-rce.ca (Canadian Water Network).


Clean Water Fund

INWASOL and the Clean Water Fund have developed a special solution for water projects:

Due to a strong partnership with the Clean Water Fund, INWASOL is not only able to provide its customers with an innovative German water disinfection technology, but also with several financing solutions.

We are looking forward to your inquiry. There is a suitable solution for every customer.

